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Northern California River Systems Are Getting Trashy 3/7/2019

      Watch this video blog / rant to catch yourself up on the crisis that is overtaking almost all of Northern California’s waterways. Which run near or through the majority of Northern California’s larger metropolitan areas. I shot this video with a iPhone this morning in Red Bluff, Ca. It represents a very small portion of the actual homeless population and damages caused by their overtaking of the Sacramento River. In and around downtown Red Bluff, Ca. This video was taken on property owned by the Bureau Of Reclamation and it is my understanding that the Department Of Fish And Wildlife has the responsibility of enforcing the legalities arising on this property. The narration durning the video was done by myself and some comments may be opinion, driven by emotion. Rather then one hundred percent factual, and completely true. Without extensive knowledge in law, one can only speculate as to responsibilities and accountability, and where legally it all falls. Feedback and criticism are always welcome. Again these are my opinions and beliefs only.

This video documents the out of control trash problems surrounding Northern California waterways. Red Bluff, Ca has more then its hands full! With literally hundreds of homeless encampments throughout various locations on the Sacramento River. Which runs through downtown Red Bluff.

     It is of the upmost importance to my life, to speak freely.  As we were born with that right! To speak up about things I personally believe in, and care about. If and when any issues pertaining to my interests are threatened, compromised, or taken advantage of. With ill content, negligence, or with disregard for morality. I generally chose to exercise my freedom of speech. Letting it be known a problem exist, and blame is being placed. For the reasoning of basic principalities, and as citizens of the communities we ( I ) grew up in, and now raise our families in. For the sake and reasoning behind right being right, and wrong being wrong. Choosing not to turn my head in silence and pretend a problem doesn’t exist. But to address the issues at hand. No matter what the level of severity or difficulty. So let this blog be more of a rant.

       I was inspired by social media post on Facebook this last week by fellow fishing guide Raith Heryford of RH Guide Service . Who’s post ( depicting the accumulation of trash and pollution occurring as a result of transients living on the banks of the Feather River in Yuba City, Ca ) in my opinion hit a home run with the public. Who are tired of the ongoing and progressively worsening of moral degradation taking place in neighborhoods, publicly used parks, and properties. I encourage anyone who hasn’t witness Raith’s post, to check it out. Video footage doesn’t lie, and can’t be denied or argued. It is what it is. As you watch with your own eyes, the story is told. Inspired by another fishing guide’s values in standing up and voicing his discontent with the ongoings of a state agency, and their neglect, and blind eye approach to dealing with the public heath, and pollution epidemic. As well as the issues surrounding the homeless encampments. All issues that all have been ignored by the Department Of Fish And Wildlife. Who primarily owns the responsibility of regulating the pollution, squatting, and trespassing laws along California waterway. Writing tickets for things such as: hitting a half a dozen golf balls into the Sacramento River. A $1000 littering citation. Understandingly of course. After all it was littering. But in the same jurisdictional area as where they turn their heads and ignoring the truths about thousands of pounds of trash polluting the Feather River (as we speak).  Flood waters are currently gathering up that trash and spreading it all over the remainder of the Feather River. Into the California Delta, and eventually some of the transient trash makes it’s way under the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Ca. Then finally into the Pacific Ocean.

      This problem isn’t geographically specific. It is everywhere in Northern California. In all North State communities. On all the Sacramento Valley’s river systems. It is a major public health crisis happening literally in our back yards. No matter where you live in Northern California. Now that sounds like a slightly bigger violation then smacking a golf ball into the river. Wouldn’t most agree? Along with department resources, and time better spent addressing removal of transients, and cleaning up the tons of trash deposited into our waterways annually.  Stemming from the trash accumulated by the homeless camps. As apposed to wardens spending time and resources investigating and prosecuting someone who felt like they were “John Daily” or “Tiger Woods”, for a few minutes one day. This is where most of the people that turn their heads to controversy and sensitive topics, turn their heads. And those of you who chose this path may be much smarter and better off in the big scheme of things, then I. Unfortunately I was never given the gift of having that filter. So out of my respect and love for the outdoors in Northern California. For all it has offered to me, my life, and continues to offer to my children and their lives. I stand up and show my support for the issues brought forth by someone who shares the same passions in life. Who also cares deeply about what is happening to our communities. Where to place blame! And who should be held accountable as far as legalities are concerned.

Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River