Sacramento River Fishing Guides and Fishing Charter Service/Northern California Fishing Guide 530-722-8876

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    Ok, let’s keep it real here, and just call this blog…a rant. This particular rant has been a long time coming, and will still just scratch the surface of the ongoing destruction to our public resources. My anger is driven by the ignorance of political motivations, greed, dishonesty, and the direct, abuse of California’s Public’s Trust Doctrine. Read what follows.

Our own state’s wildlife protection agency, (CDFW) California Department of Fish and Wildlife, has left a trail of failure. CDFW whom, is entrusted in protecting the public’s natural resources, has failed miserably in doing so, over the past decades. More so now then ever!

Their actions have had a pronounced effect on the lives of tens of thousands, of Northern Californians. Citizens depend on these natural resources as a way of life; as a part of a self sufficient lifestyle. Management and access to these diverse waterway ecosystems is of the upmost importance, to the people of Northern California.

Northern California offers many varied opportunities, both recreational and commercial. The vast majority of people residing in Northern California, enjoy the many varied recreational opportunities our waterways provide. Sportspersons have had to suffer through the CDFW’s utter disregard, and the disrespectful mismanagement of our publics’ resources.

The CDFW’s sole purpose is to act as the trustee for the publicly owned natural resources of the public trust doctrine. It is they who must provide protection for California’s fish and wildlife. Quite honestly their track record sucks. The recent past, has been hampered by one bad decision after another. These decisions are often made with economic gains to agriculture and industry. Decades of poor or incompetent decisions have left our waterways, bereft of the true treasures they should hold.

The exponential economic value of NorCal’s H20, is an enemy that has proven to be unbeatable in recent years. There are many other problems at hand, that are causing our states’ wildlife to decline. However, currently there is no greater loss to a wildlife species, than the decimation that has taken place of California’s King Salmon.

You often see nonsense about  restoration and conservation efforts on behalf of CDFW, USFW, and their “Non Profit” affiliates. It is blasted all over the internet by these State and Federal agencies, and non profit environmental groups.This is nothing more than standard protocol government propaganda. It is for the masses of citizens to believe. Notions that look and sound solid to those who care about our wildlife, but are somewhat ignorant, and have had limited exposure to the greater outdoors.

In reality it’s nothing more than a complete waste of millions of tax payers dollars. The results stem from, some ambitious college educated research teams, tasked with finding paper fixes to real life problems. This information and documentation is not, compiled by individuals who spend their lives, on the water. The regulations are formulated with unrealistic conclusions, for real world problems. These erroneous facts have skewed the management ,of our fish and wildlife resources. More specifically, the mismanagement by CDFW, which has completely devastated the King Salmon, they were entrusted to save.

Next, come the grants! Millions and millions in funding come in, for these “pipe dream” restoration and conservation projects. Projects that look and sound amazing in a corporate paper world. Satisfying the public’s eye with the illusion of environmental and ecological friendliness. After many, many millions of tax payers dollars are sent forth and spent on such projects. The ugly truth becomes increasingly apparent. Those projects that cost millions, don’t actually get to the heart of the matter. Why? Well, no matter how good these ideas look in a PDF file; in reality,they could not be farther from a plausible solution. Let me give you an example….

SIDE CHANNEL RESTORATION- This genius agenda set forth by CDFW, in theory, was aimed at benefiting the “naturally spawning” Chinook salmon of the Sacramento River. How?

The CDFW would create side channels for chinook salmon spawning and rearing habitat. By building small creek like channels, off of the main Sacramento River channel. The creation of the channels was intended, to increase critical spawning habitat. Great idea, about three decades to late.

The side channels were designed to be used by Fall Run Chinook Salmon who “naturally spawned”, as ideal spawning habitat in the fall. October and November is the normal time for Chinook salmon to spawn in the Sacramento River. The idea is to boost the number of Chinook salmon that will enter the ocean after being born in any given season. They expected a two to three fold increase in survival rate, over those of hatchery origin. This of course would  raise the escapement run count dramatically; in three years time, when these salmon return as adults, to spawn again.

Sounds like a reasonable plan right? Here is what has actually occurred. Approximately, 50% of these side channel restoration projects were built in areas of the Sacramento River that haven’t seen spawning salmon since the mid 1980’s. This is when, the implementation of the “cold water curtain” at Shasta Dam took place. Changing the spawning demographics of the Chinook Salmon on the Sacramento River for ever. One can only wonder how old the data was that CDFW used on their models for this project.

What of the other, 50% of the side channels restoration projects? Not a much better outlook considering the USBR has spent the last decade and a half , ‘dewatering redds’ (salmon nests) in the upper Sacramento River near Redding, Ca. The upper Sacramento River, is the primary spawning grounds for the ‘natural spawning’, of indigenous Fall run Chinook salmon. This annual onslaught essentially leaves, the incubating salmon eggs, literally, high and dry. They perish as the bureau cuts river water flows in mid October, to the legally allowed minimum flow requirement, of 3,700 cfs. After the naturally spawning Fall Run Chinook Salmon have set up their nest and layed their eggs.

They cut back critical water flow necessary to the salmon, in an effort to increase the water storage in Lake Shasta. There by, giving an extra financial boost, to the projected water sales, for the next years water contracts. Thus, leaving the Chinook salmon, devastatingly depleted.

I urge my readers to do a simple Google search, of “Salmon Redd Dewatering”. It will be a eye opener, and a call to action.

Needless to say, due to the two facts, I pointed out in my prior paragraphs. You will not ever, never, nevea, eva, eva, eva, eva, see a Chinook salmon, spawning in a side channel. If that channel, was created by the restoration projects on the Sacramento River.

As long as Chinook salmon are managed as they have been or currently are; the native or indigenous species, of Chinook salmon, of the Sacramento River are doomed and are already well on their way to federal listing as a endangered species. As two of the Sacramento Rivers four runs of Chinook Salmon already are. The naturally spawning Fall Chinook salmon are more or less gone at this point in time. Their escapement numbers so low their contribution to the total escapement is barely worthy of consideration. When not so long ago they made up the largest portion of total escapement. They have been ‘Managed’ down to nothing, by the USBR. While all of this occurred, CDFW and the SWRCB turn their back and let it happen.

Again, here is why!

1)-the number of naturally spawning Chinook salmon, in the Sacramento River, is nonexistent. Killed off by water management practices that have left the nests of naturally spawning, Chinook salmon high and dry for over a decade. It is called “dewatering”!

  • 2)- The Sacramento River Chinook salmons’ spawning demographics, changed dramatically after the implementation of the cold water curtain, at Shasta Damn in the mid 1980’s. Again, and more recently the permanent raising of the Red Bluff, Ca Diversion Dam in 2016. Chinook salmon no longer spawn in the river, below the Jelly’s Ferry Bridge in Tehama County. The Chinook salmon, will never spawn in this area again in any relevant numbers. Even if there were naturally spawning salmon to do so. The CDFW implementation of a side chanel restoration project, comes with an approximate cost of; who knows how many millions of dollars in total ? Two million and some change was the cost, for the side channel restoration project, in downtown Red Bluff, Ca. Again this is absolutely absurd to me.

  • The Red Bluff, Ca side channel restoration project by the way, was an utter and complete failure. The channel was a waste of time, and a waste of tax payers dollars. The newly created channel, will have absolutely, zero benefits,to Chinook salmon who currently don’t exist, and when they do they don’t spawn in this section of the Sacramento River any longer. It will not help their run counts, in the future and contribute nothing to the total escapement in the future.

    CDFW already knew what the outcome would be. Inspite of that knowledge, they decided, to spend the tax payers’ money, and build these side channels anyway. And guess what? Another, 28 million dollars, was just given in federal funding, last year, to construct more of these, worthless side channel restoration projects. There are scheduled restoration projects, even farther down the Sacramento River. Again created for naturally spawning Chinook salmon. Which, simply do not exist anymore. The overall side channel restoration program, let’s estimate at approximately: $60,000,000 -$100,000,000 from tax payers. Yet, the money from taxers, never actually produced a single salmon. Who the f??k answers for this? Where is the Fish and Game commission? And why does CDFW president Chuck Bonham still have a job? That’s your earned and worked for money folks. Just getting pissed away like it’s nothing. Infuriating to me. A third grader could have spent that money more appropriately in my opinion. Certainly couldn’t have done any worse.

The people that apply for, approve of, and implement these sorts of projects; do not have the foresight, nor first hand knowledge to know what is happening in real time. What they do know how to do is…how to make these projects look good, on paper. The project looks flawless, on spreadsheets, pie and bar graphs, even future projections. They end with successful, predictable conclusions for our future.

Unfortunately, I feel as though this system will never change. I will tell you why. It is highly unlikely any of these decision makers, grant writers, supervisors, or even the president of this state department, Charles Bonham himself, has ever spent a day, on the Northen part of the Sacramento River. Up river from the state capitol of Sacramento CA. So in my thinking, how could someone be allowed, to make a decision, that could severely impact our natural resources, without first seeing or experiencing first hand what they were working with? Unfortunately this is the case more often than not.

Would you like to know who is never ever, allowed to sit in on those special meetings, or invited to decision making events? To determine, where and how these tax dollars are spent, and which projects to implement first? Us! The outdoorsman, the sportsman, the anglers, and the public in general. Despite the fact that salmon are a public resource and are entrusted to the public (Public Trust Doctrine). Yet, we have no say in any decisions that are made, concerning the Sacramento River: the salmon switching is in it, nor any other natural resources we hold dear, entrusted to us by the state and federal constitutions.

      I feel strongly that first hand experience, in any geographic location, in any trade or occupation is, mandatory for success. As the saying goes, “there is no replacement for experience”. My opinion, has been formed over endless hours, days, weeks and months, throughout all four seasons… I have spend perusing the river. Over the last three decades, the decline, of the river’s health, has been devastating. There is little to no input gathered, from our local experts. Even, as the Fall run Chinook salmon populations can’t replace their numbers, our government agencies, continue in their neglectful ignorance.

When it comes to issues concerning the health of our Northern California Chinook salmon runs. I have to ask? Why would people that have never set eyes on the Sacramento River, or have never felt passionately about the Sacramento River, be considered experts in the rivers’ ecology? Why would employees that have never watched salmon: arrive, stage, construct redds, spawn, die, and watch their offspring head down the river to the Pacific Ocean to restart their lifecycle; be in control, of a species so key to our whole river ecosystem. The people at CDFW are in charge, or responsible for any decision about the river ecosystem. The outcomes of their studies, and resulting projects, could negatively affect every single salmon on the Sacramento River. This process all occurs, without any collaboration or consulting with local experts, who know the Sacramento River the best. Like the life long anglers, and fishing guides who know the distinctive features of the Northern Sacramento River, as well, as they know the features on their hands. The local conservationists, Indigenous tribes, and everyday Northern California citizens, who spend most everyday,spread over many decades, observing the Northern Sacramento River. Sadly, the input from those who know best, is never acknowledged or considered.

Consequently every important decision that is made regarding our states’ salmon, and the health of our river ecosystems, is repeatedly fraught with the wrong decisions. Doing nothing is unhelpful, but these decisions, are making a bad situation, even worse. Continuing these policies, is leading to the depletion, of a public resource. The public, and our local experts, have no input, into saving this keystone river species. What kind of sense does this make? None! And this is how California earned its nick name “Commifornia”.

The problems surrounding California’s Department of Fish and Wildlife run deeper than they appear. More likely than not, they are unfixable at this point. It makes me sick, as I write the ugly truths, about the river environment I cherish. I love, care deeply, and value, the importance of the Northern Sacramento River. I watch with horror, as it and the life it supports, crashes rapidly.

Busy lifestyles, keeps the general public from having the time to gain information, organize, and fight for what is rightfully theirs. So we as citizens stand by, hoping the powers we have entrusted to take care of our precious public resources, will find solutions. These solutions, should focus on the need to bring back, and then, stabilize these resources for us to enjoy. This has always been the historical intent, and hence, written into law. However, my opinion, from the hindsight I have developed from decades of guiding and studying, the upper reaches of the Sacramento River, there is zero chance of success. We stand zero chance by letting CDFW, NOAA Fisheries, and the PFMC snuggle together, and come up with more unrealistic solutions and endless bad decisions.

I would love to ask the presidents, of each agency, when was the last time and how often, they have visited, the Sacramento River, near Red Bluff, or Redding, Ca. My guess is they never have, and most likely never will. These are the geographic and biological spawning grounds of the chinook salmon. This is where the lifecycle of a Chinook salmon starts and ends. If these very specific areas, are not the subject of an intense focus, with the combined knowledge and practice, of local experts to stabilize and adjust, government agency plans,there will be no fixing the problem. There simply will be no more salmon. Simple as that!

It frustrates me to no end, watching how the CDFW wardens operate these days. “Game Wardens” ( a figure once feared by poachers because of their stealthy tactics, and ability to randomly show up anywhere, at anytime by element of surprise.) As of late, they are seldom, if ever seen, out of eyesight from their patrol vehicles. It has been my overwhelming experience, that 99% of contacts with a state game warden, happens at boat ramps, or hunting area, parking lots. It’s honestly been seven to ten years, since I can recall having a warden, come out of the bushes on me. Once again, in my opinion, handing out tickets related: to vessel registration, not having a fishing license in your possession, (even though they have the ability to confirm you have a license through their ALDS), disputes over public land access, and just about any infraction they can dig up, without having to do much investigation or field work in general. The wildlife officers, rely heavily on other outdoorsman to use CAL-TIP for their leads on serious crimes against nature. Even so, their response time is so slow, half of these tips get away. To make matters worse, their own department gets away with the biggest crimes, against our states’ wildlife, while making back door deals with the USBR (United States Bureau of Reclamation) and SWRCB (State Water Resource Control Board). Letting atrocities repeatedly take place on the Sacramento River system, and the connecting, California Delta, the damages committed now, will last for decades, if not in perpetuity. Disgusting at best.

If you are left wondering what crimes in particular CDFW has been committing against California’s wildlife? Look no farther than our states; care free water management practices and the steep decline of California’s Chinook Salmon. More specifically,  CDFW’s inability to hold either of the fore-mentioned state and federal water agencies accountable for their constant mismanagement of our states water. Including the detrimental ongoing  destruction of the states native fish species.

California’s first law enforcement agency was the, Fish Commission. This commission was put into place, to stop the rampant abuse and destruction of migratory fish species, that was taking place in the late 1800’s. Due to gold mining operations and other commerce related activities. The sudden influx of people, impeded the migration and life cycles of Chinook Salmon, Steelhead, and White and Green Sturgeon. This early foresight into preservation of California’s native fish species; led to one of the most clearly written, and unarguable laws. These laws were targeted to protect these native, migratory fish species against human abuse. This law is still intact today, and is the basis for many of the law suites, filed against CDFW, in water related violations concerning the, Public Trust Doctrine.

Fish and Game code 5937; ensures that any dam built in California must maintain enough water to flow over, past, through, or around it; as to provide adequate water supplies to maintain healthy and sustained runs of migratory fish. Even in drought conditions. This isn’t verbatim but but it is the essential narrative. What I find interesting, is that over 125 years ago, citizens in positions of power, recognized the need to protect California’s unique migratory fish species. Primarily salmon and steelhead. Yet today this same department (CDFW) will not enforce this law, and hold accountable those who are in direct violation of it.

Other agencies, who are killing off, what is left of a very depleted public resource, are not held accountable. These unique and very cherished species, have been placed, in trust by the State of California, to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Is this mismanagement? Damn, right it is! Is this in violation of California’s Public Trust Doctrine? Damn right it is. What can be done about this? In my opinion, the only thing that will get any attention, and provoke any change is going to have come from the citizens, by filing lawsuits against CDFW. These law suits, need to be, costly to the state, consistently served, and timely. Let this be a call to action if it needs to be. ANYONE effected by this negligence on behalf of CDFW. Gather together, seek legal ramifications, use resources, do whatever you have to do to start in motion the only thing that will stop this illegal abuse and decimation of our public resources. Don’t write a congressman, file a complaints, or play politics in general. It has gotten us nowhere. If you have been effected by this salmon closure in California sue the pants off the Department of Fish and Wildlife and watch change start to happen.

Feel free to use the comment section as a resource for giving or gaining input! Any lawyers out there that would like to give advise or direction to readers is always welcome. Environmental groups, conservation organizations, rally your members together and put your feet down and help stop this nonsense. Together there is power and hope. Our wildlife deserves this from us.

Finally I would like to establish that I recognize and respect the employees that work for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife whose hearts and daily work go into the preservation of our fish and wildlife. It is unfortunate that the department itself falls short of doing the same things for Californians and their fish and wildlife.

Mike's Fishing Guide Service for Sacramento River fishing targeting King Salmon, Striped Bass, White Sturgeon, American Shad and Rainbow Trout. The Best Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Guide and Striped Bass Fishing Guide on the Sacramento River.