Adult Smith River Steelhead
Fishing guide Mike Rasmussen snaps a photo of a wild California steelhead before it was released back into the Smith River. This photo was taken in February 2019 near Hiouchi, Ca in Del Norte County.
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River

Smith River Steelhead "Plunking" Fishing
Northern California fishing guide Mike Rasmussen of Mike’s Guide Service snaps a picture of rods out “plunking” for wild steelhead on Northern California’s Smith River. This picture was taken in February 2019 near Hiouchi, Ca.
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River

Plunk City! Smith River February 2019
Steelhead anglers and fishing guides alike all gather on the river banks of Northern California’s Smith River during high flows to plunk for wild California steelhead. Also known as “Plunk City”.
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River
Steelhead Fishing Friends Ryan Tripp And Mike Tipton
Smith River near Hiochi, Ca hold up a chrome wild steelhead they caught in February during high water. Following nearly a week of rain in the area. Fishing guide Mike Rasmussen took the photo of the two Northern California anglers.
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River
Ryan Tripp Tosses His Bait After Releasing A Wild Steelhead
Steelhead angler Ryan Tripp unhooks his spin-glo and tosses it in the air as he attempts to release a wild steelhead back into the Smith River in Northern California. Fishing guide Mike Rasmussen snapped the photo of the release. The catch and release style fishing took place near Crescent City, Ca in February 2019.
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River
Mike Tipton Holds A Beautiful Steelhead
Fishing guide Mike Rasmussen captures a classic Smith River steelhead photo of friend Mike Tipton who wrestled this dime bright steelhead to the bank. Mike was more then happy to practice catch and release fishing and let this wild steelhead go back into the Smith River in Northern California.
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River
Catch And Release Steelhead Fishing
Mike Rasmussen of SalmonSacRiver.com highly recommends the quick and timely release of any wild steelhead brought to the bank or boat. It is import to quickly release the steelhead to improve mortality. This photo was taken on the Smith River in Northern California. Steelhead fishing generally takes place in January and February.
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River
Steelhead Vs. Human
Ryan Tripp from Oroville, Ca fights a wild Smith River steelhead he hooked while plunking at the Outhouse Hole near Hiouchi, Ca. February 20, 2019.
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River
Chrome Bright Wild Steelhead
Steelhead fishing guide Mike Rasmussen gets a photo of friend Ryan Tripp as he kneels beside a hen steelhead he had just caught and unhooked. Preparing to release a photo is taken on the Smith River near Crescent City, Ca.
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River
Hold The Head Down On The Smith River
Northern California fishing guides prefer to release steelhead in the first three minutes after being caught. This timely release helps the wild steelhead return safely to spawn. Picture taken by salmon fishing guide Mike Rasmussen of SalmonSacRiver.com
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River
The Perfect Steelhead Photo
This is the most beautiful photo of a wild hen steelhead in all her beauty. This is the true wild California steelhead. Catch and Release was practiced and this wild steelhead was released back into the South Fork Eel River near Garberville, Ca.
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River
South Fork Smith River In Northern California
A quick pose of this wild steelhead before it was returned back into the Smith River near Hiouchi, Ca as part as a catch and release effort practiced by fishing guides and private anglers alike.
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River
Chrome Bright Wild Buck Steelhead
Northern California sportsmen Ryan Trip poses quickly with a beautiful South Fork Smith River steelhead he caught in February 2019. Ryan was fishing with Steelhead fishing guide Mike Rasmussen of SalmonSacRiver.com.
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River

Ryan Tripp With A Middle Fork Smith River Steelhead
Wild Steelhead like this one caught by Ryan Tripp from Oroville, Ca are highly sought after during the winter months on California’s North Coast. This steelhead was photoed by fishing guide Mike Rasmussen of Mike’s Guide Service in January 2019 near Crescent City, Ca.
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River

Steelhead Fishing Northern California
This beautiful wild steelhead was caught by Ryan Tripp on a unmentioned creek in Northern California in January 2019. Fishing guide Mike Rasmussen was quick to take a photo before releasing the wild steelhead.
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River

California Coastal Steelhead Fishing
California’s North Coast has many steelhead creek and rivers to choose from when looking to catch and release a wild California steelhead. The North Coast is littered with small streams and creeks that offer fishing guides and private anglers opportunities to catch these beautiful fish.
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River
A Rare Silver Salmon Caught On The Eel River
This wild California silver salmon was caught by fishing guide Mike Rasmussen on the South Fork Eel River while pulling plugs for steelhead. This silver salmon was quickly released back into the river allowing it to spawn.
Mike's Fishing Guide & Charter Service For Sacramento River Fishing targeting King Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Striped Bass, Sturgeon, Shad And Trout the best Sacramento River Fishing guide and Sacramento River Charter on Sac River