Has Over Regulation Taken The “Public” Out Of Public Land?

Public lands in the United States have long been a symbol of freedom, adventure, and connection to nature. From the vast deserts managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to the pristine forests overseen by the U.S. Forest Service and the protected habitats under the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, these lands are meant to belong to the people. But as regulations, fees, and restrictions have multiplied, in some cases many times over the years, many are left wondering, is public land even public anymore?

In this blog, we’ll explore the growing web of rules, fees, and restrictions governing public lands, compare the current regulatory environment to that of 20 years ago when I started this guiding adventure, and ask whether the freedoms of public accessibility that once defined these spaces is being eroded away from the public’s domain.

The Growing Web of Regulations…

Public lands are managed by various federal agencies, each with its own set of rules and agendas. While these regulations are often intended to preserve ecosystems, protect wildlife, and ensure public safety—they have also created a labyrinth of restrictions that can feel overwhelming to the average citizen.

-Bureau of Land Management (BLM):

The BLM oversees 245 million acres of land, primarily in the western U.S. While BLM lands are often seen as the last chance hope of freedom for activities like camping, off-roading, and grazing, even these spaces have seen an increase in restrictions. Permits are now required for many activities that were once unrestricted, and large swaths of land have been designated as "Areas of Critical Environmental Concern," limiting or forbidding access to the general public.


-U.S. Forest Service:

The Forest Service manages 193 million acres of national forests and grasslands. Over the past two decades, the agency has implemented more stringent rules on camping, firewood collection, and even hiking in certain areas. Many popular trails now require permits, and dispersed camping or freelance camping, once a hallmark of Forest Service lands is being phased out in favor of designated campgrounds.

- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:

This agency manages national wildlife refuges, which are primarily focused on conservation. While these areas have always been more restrictive, the past 20 years have seen a significant increase in closures and limitations on activities like hunting, fishing, and even photography. And this is where the inspiration for this blog comes about.

Recently I set out on to enjoy an afternoon spent walking public lands on the banks of the Sacramento River in Northern California. My primary objective, to find antlers shed seasonally by the black tailed deer that call the reparian habitat along the Sacramento River their home. Something I have done seasonally for the past twenty years. One of the many seasonal activities I partake in throughout the course of the year. Always cautious not to disrupt or destroy any of the natural habitat living along the river. I’ve always believed strongly in leaving nature how you found it. Minimizing any human footprint left behind as a result of my presence. As well as knowing and following the plethora of laws and policies regulating these state and federally managed public lands. Navigating these legalities when crossing jurisdictional boundaries between state and federal refuge boundaries is essential to avoid legal ramifications. Even with the continued addition of regulations eating away at the opportunities these public lands provided, I still enjoy my time spent walking the river banks where I have spent the majority of my life making a living. It has become a part of me and defines who I am. Nevertheless as a citizen of the public I was drawn to report on the incident that took place on the La Baranca Unit on the Sacramento River National Wildlife Refuge in Northern California last week.

Following the historic flooding and above average rainfall Northern California received this winter. I was ready to get out in the warmth of the much needed sunshine and stretch my legs. Looking for shed deer antlers was just what i needed. Walking through the open star-thistle fields keeping my eyes pealed for the tips and bends of lost antlers. My mind was lost in the solitude and serenity of nature. I was accompanied on this day by my better half and a close friend who both also shared the same passion for the outdoors. Although we had all split up and headed different directions we communicated occasionally as to our whereabouts. After a hour of searching unsuccessfully I found my friend and we walked together down a dirt roadway that headed back to our boat we had used to access this refuge. As required by law. Which forbids access to the public by entering the refuge in any other manner. The sound of an accelerating vehicle took me completely off guard as vehicles are very seldom seen on these refuges. As we both direct our attention to the rapidly approaching patrol vehicle I can’t help but feel like we are about to be confronted in a criminal manner. I quickly start recording the confrontation that is about to take place. The patrol vehicle abruptly stops directly in front of us. A USFW wildlife officer steps out of the vehicle and asks what it is we are doing. I replied with our intentions and was met with instant rejection. The officer citing that looking for shed deer antlers was against the law and prohibited on any National Refuge. Which was new to me and left me skeptical of his determination. The officer without citing any specific law said that deer sheds were part of a wild animal and could not be picked up, moved, or removed by anyone on the property. I thought to myself, how is a disconnected antler still part of a animal? The officer reiterated the fact that what we were doing was illegal. Acting as if a serious crime against wildlife had occurred. I explained to the officer we understood and would continue on our walk without gathering and found antlers. He asked what would we be doing if we weren’t looking for antlers? I simply replied “recreating, isn’t that still authorized?” He sternly said “No”. Then asked where our boat was. I pointed in the boats general direction, turned my back to the officer and walked away feeling disrespected, and deceived. As I knew it was perfectly legal to be walking on this wildlife refuge at that time. What was this guys problem? We had actually done nothing wrong. To make matters worse, when our third party met up with us at the boat, she described a whole different encounter with this same wildlife officer. She explains to us that when the officer asked her what she was doing on the wildlife area, and she replied “shed hunting”. Nothing was said about it being illegal by the officer, just “ok, have a nice day”. What a scumbag, right? I guess having the right anatomy is all you need to find lost antlers on the Sacramento River National Wildlife Area. My hopes are the Trump Administration’s federal employee layoffs take this officers job. In my opinion the more negative contacts by wildlife officers (like this instance), the less people want to use the public lands. Wanting to avoid the harassment and negative demeanor of these types of officers. How violated it makes you feel after your freedoms have been taken away from you. Leaving folks far less likely to use the land that was intended for their use.

The Rise of Fees

One of the most contentious issues surrounding public lands is the proliferation of fees. What was once a free or low-cost experience is now often accompanied by a price tag. Don’t even get me started on the lottery for refuge duck hunting.

- Recreation Fees:

The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (2004) allowed agencies to charge fees for access to public lands. Today, it’s not uncommon to pay $10–$30 just to enter a national forest or BLM area. Campgrounds, once free or inexpensive, now often cost $20–$40 per night, or more.


- Permit Costs:

Many activities, from backpacking in popular wilderness areas to holding events or even commercial filming, now require permits that can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

- Pass Systems:

While the America the Beautiful Pass ($80 annually) provides access to many federal lands, it’s an added expense that didn’t exist 20 years ago. For frequent visitors, these costs can add up quickly.

Comparing Then and Now: A Shift in Freedom

Twenty years ago, public lands were far more accessible and less regulated. Dispersed camping was widely allowed, off-roading was largely unrestricted, and fees were minimal. Today, the landscape has changed dramatically.

- Increased Regulations:

According to a 2020 report by the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC), the number of federal regulations governing public lands has increased by nearly 30% since 2000. These rules cover everything from where you can camp to what types of vehicles you can drive.

- Closures and Restrictions:

Large areas of public land have been closed to recreational use, often citing environmental concerns. For example, the BLM has designated millions of acres as "wilderness study areas," where activities like motorized travel and mountain biking are prohibited.

- Enforcement: With the rise in regulations has come a corresponding increase in enforcement. Rangers now patrol public lands more aggressively, issuing citations for violations that might have been overlooked in the past. Part of an over staffing problem during periods of uncontrolled Government spending. Which may come to a abrupt end with the Trump administrations federal cutbacks.

The Impact on Public Enjoyment

For many Americans, the increasing restrictions and fees have made public lands feel less like a shared resource and more like a heavily managed commodity. Activities that were once synonymous with freedom—like spontaneous camping trips or off-the-grid exploration—are now fraught with red tape.

- Loss of Spontaneity:

The need for permits and reservations means that many public land experiences must be planned months in advance, leaving little room for spontaneity.


- Economic Barriers:

For low-income families, the rising costs of accessing public lands can be prohibitive. What was once a free or affordable way to connect with nature is now out of reach for many.

- Cultural Shift:

The growing restrictions have led to a cultural shift in how we view public lands. Instead of seeing them as open and accessible, many now see them as places where you’re more likely to encounter a ranger writing a ticket than a fellow adventurer.

Is There a Better Way?

While there’s no denying the importance of protecting public lands for future generations, many argue that the current approach is overly restrictive and punitive. Some potential solutions include:

- Streamlining Regulations:

Simplifying the rules governing public lands could make them more accessible while still protecting the environment.


- Reducing Fees:

Lowering or eliminating fees for basic access could help ensure that public lands remain truly public.

- Increasing Public Input:

Giving the public a greater voice in how these lands are managed could help strike a balance between conservation and recreation.



Public lands are a national treasure, but they’re also a reflection of our values. As regulations, fees, and restrictions continue to grow, it’s worth asking whether we’re losing sight of what makes these lands so special: their ability to provide a sense of freedom, adventure, and connection to the natural world. If we want public lands to remain truly public, we’ll need to find a way to balance preservation with accessibility, before it’s too late.

What do you think? Have you noticed a change in how public lands are managed? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Help hold onto what is rightfully ours to enjoy.

Mike's Fishing Guide Service for Sacramento River fishing targeting King Salmon, Striped Bass, White Sturgeon, American Shad and Rainbow Trout. The Best Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Guide and Striped Bass Fishing Guide on the Sacramento River.

I’ll Be Dam!

Who can identify this structure? Anyone? If you are having trouble identifying this Northern California dam it’s for good reason. It’s deep in the cuts of the Sierra Nevada foothills. I am just curious how many Northern Californians know of its existence? If I had to guess I would say very few people have any idea of its existence, purpose, or history. Do you need some clues? CLUE- The construction of this dam was completed in 1908. At the time of its completion it was a big part of the largest hydropower plant in this country. Now owned by Pacific Gas and Electric Company. I’m going to guess these clues didn’t help most people a whole lot either? I’m not so sure any amount of clues will help. As this dam is far from reach, and way off the beaten path. Residing in a remote region of Butte County, California’s gold country. A local to this area, a history buff, or possibly some PG&E employees are about the only folks that may recognize this old dam. To be fair this dam hasn’t been operational for a very long time. It was originally constructed in efforts to dry up a section of Northern California’s Feather River by a mining company around the turn of the twentieth century. By blasting a tunnel through a near by mountain (Big Bend Mountain or “Yankee Hill”) the mining company intended to divert the North Fork Feather River through this tunnel. Reconnecting the river several miles down stream. Leaving the riverbed downstream of this dam site dry of water and ready to mine. Unfortunately for the mining company things don’t always work out as planned. The river cobble was much larger and unmanageable then originally thought. Nearly impossible to mine. Causing the mining company to go under. Eventually the Big Bend mining project would end up in the hands of Great Western Power Company. Who had the insight into California’s growing demand for power. Utilizing the existing dam and tunnel system built by the mining company, pen stocks and turbines were built in addition and Western Power Company started generating electricity. Power generated by western power company was initially sold to PG&E for distribution in the more populated areas of Northern California at the time. Allowing the life changing benefits of electricity to spread into quickly growing California.

My reason for writing this blog is not for a local history lesson, nor to complain about water distribution to Southern California. Rather an observation I have made concerning this old out of service dam (pictured above). This observation brings into question a few conservation objectives that were overlooked or simply ignored when constructing Lake Oroville in the mid 1960’s. However the foresight by mining companies at the turn of the twentieth century and Western Power Company thereafter, were able to recognize and respect the permanent damage that would occur to the Spring Run Chinook Salmon and the Fall Run Chinook Salmon of the North Fork Feather River. If there was no way for them to migrate up river and spawn annually. Following the completion of the construction of the Big Bend dam. As you will see on the far side of the dam photograph above, although fairly primitive looking in its construction, you can make out the “fish latter”. Built along side the dam allowing migrating runs of chinook salmon passage to up river spawning areas. There was no hatchery needed to mitigate for loss of habitat, as salmon could still access their natal spawning grounds up river. This worked extremely well without major disruption or permanent damage to the feather river salmon for nearly sixty years. Along came the construction of Oroville Dam in the 1960’s. Creating what would be California’s second largest reservoir. As well as the second largest contributor to the death of California’s salmon runs. When in retrospect building a fish latter around Oroville Dam would have been a very simple addition to the construction process. Ensuring chinook salmon existence in the future. This would not have been some monumental undertaking. In fact miners on the adjacent Cherokee Mountain had constructed a fourteen mile long sluice box with enough running water for salmon to use nearly one hundred years prior to the construction of Oroville Dam. With modern equipment being used to build Oroville Dam in the 1960’s this project would have been a piece of cake. Obviously this never happened and wild chinook salmon of the Feather River have been on the chopping block ever since. I can’t help but think if these decision makers were alive today, sitting at the dinner table of a fancy restaurant eating parasitically infected, artificially colored, diseased farm raised salmon. Would they reconsider the importance of wildlife conservation in the future? Something so easily obtained.

Again I’d like to reiterate this blog isn’t about placing blame on those who decided decades ago that salmon or wildlife in general weren’t worth saving. It is more about awareness of the damages our decision making in the past caused to the environment and natural order and balance of all living things. I feel like it’s never too late to change, and my hopes are for citizen state wide to realize this simple fact. Everyone in today’s time has to by now realize you can’t take, take, take, without putting something back. The ripple effect of these ideologies have proven this to be true over and over again. At some point making a stand for what is right as apposed to what makes more money for those who already have to much money, must take place. Or we will continue to rob Peter and pay Paul with whats left of our states wildlife. We all know where this leads. Hormones, vaccines, parasites, pesticides, fertilizers, artificial flavoring and coloring, genetically altered animals and crops, all for our immediate consumption, and the consumption of our children. While the fallout of our environmental destruction takes a totally separate toll on our current society, and even worse for future societies as a whole. If the insight and foreknowledge of conservation measures was seen by the builders of the first Feather River dam nearly one hundred fifteen years ago, then completely ignored for the next sixty years. Can we learn from our mistakes and make conservation a goal in the sixty years we have in front of us? Certainly wouldn’t be a bad idea!

Mike's Fishing Guide Service for Sacramento River fishing targeting King Salmon, Striped Bass, White Sturgeon, American Shad and Rainbow Trout. The Best Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Guide and Striped Bass Fishing Guide on the Sacramento River.


A human health crisis is developing in California’s largest water resource. The Sacramento River. Not to mention an environmental crisis that will affect a tremendous amount of our states fish and wildlife permanently. This is my attempt to spread public awareness on the issue. At the same time seek public input on the matter. All suggestions and ideas are welcome and greatly appreciated. Possibly together we can address the ongoing disposal of homeless waist and continued pollution of California’s waterways.

Ten years ago during the 250-300 days a year I spent driving my jet sled up and down the Sacramento River as a full time fishing and hunting guide. I would recover somewhere around a boat load of trash that had accumulated over a years time (let’s say 500 pounds). In November or early December I would spend a day gathering up all the trashy eyesores I had seen resting on the banks and brush lines of the Sacramento River. These are things I would noticed during the course of our six month salmon season. Typically on the Sacramento River between Colusa and Red Bluff, Ca. The accumulated trash primarily consisted of bigger object. Not so much household trash as we are seeing now days. I can recall things like a road cones, plastic totes, port-o-potty, tires, inflatable floaties, air mattresses, and tarps, ect.

Remember this key point for a comparison. I only spent one day a year, and filled up roughly one boat load of trash annually prior to the homeless crisis. For the most part this would eliminate most of the garbage visible to boaters. In hindsight it really wasn’t a big issue. I think I noticed these things more than most, due to the excessive amount of time I spent on the river. Seeing these eyesores day after day prompted me to remove them when time would allow. My clients never seemed to notice these types of things like they do now, and I don’t remember being embarrassed by the few items of trash I saw bank side like I am now. It’s gotten so bad at current time that I try to depart the boat launches  prior to daylight so my clients don’t see the massive homeless encampments. Littered with hoards of trash. However this only delays my embarrassment as we must return to the boat ramps at some point when completing our guided fishing trips. It is at this time when when the clients start to notice the extensive homeless encampments strung out through the entire length of Red Bluff along the Sacramento River. Downtown Redding, Ca if possible is even worse off. As I drive by these very visible encampments I watch my clients point and stare quietly at what they are witnessing. Their demeanor changes instantly when we arrive back at the Red Bluff, Ca city park and boat launch facility. Where our fishing trip ends, we are instantly greeted by pan handlers, hustlers, and drug addicts. These aren’t just down on their luck homeless. There is an extensive criminal element to these transients, and they are always looking for anything that can make them some quick drug or alcohol money. That’s an entirely different topic for a separate blog. While seeing my clients to their vehicle and saying goodbyes I can feel the uncomfortable and anxious nature created by our surrounding. As they exit the parking lot they get a final look at the tents, tarps, and pallets that construct the tent cities that are established in several “plain sight” locations throughout the park. They also get to witness the destruction of the public bathrooms. Which have had the doors ripped off, no lights, graffiti, and vandalism. Leaving the restrooms a place where rapes, drug deals/sales, and prostitution take place. Overdoses, homicides, suicides, assaults, and strong armed robberies take place. This city park was something local citizens were once thrilled with after its construction in 2016. It was something to be proud of and utilized constantly by anglers, boaters, families, and visitors. By the winter of 2020 this park had been all but overtaken by Red Bluffs homeless population. Who staked claim to the public property they are constitutionally entitled to utilize. The rest is history. It has all been destroyed and now seldom used by “normal” citizens who refuse to be victimized by the lawless atmosphere of this place.

As if what happens on land isn’t bad enough, the real atrocities are taking place on the Sacramento River itself. Where pollution has been heavily tainting the rivers waters, and the rivers banks. Completely littered the by countless tonnage of homeless trash that is swept away each winter rainstorm. The last three winters of above average rainfall in Northern California have caused the Sacramento River to reach moderate flood stage annually. With these flood events the homeless encampments along the entire Sacramento River are swept down river. With these encampments are tons and tons of trash and waist. Which get evenly distributed on the gavel bars and willow runs throughout the entirety of the river system. Certainly an unknown amount of this pollution ends up in the California Delta and eventually the Pacific Ocean. There isn’t a fifty foot section of river bank on the Sacramento River that doesn’t have some kind of homeless trash on it. Let me give you a comparison. As I mentioned earlier, in the past I recovered one boat load of trash during a years time. When California’s drought ended in 2021 I witnessed the first environmental catastrophe on the Sacramento River in respect to the homeless crisis. As flood waters receded I could not believe my eyes. The entire Sacramento River I have spent most of my life making a living on was completely littered with homeless trash. The Sacramento River looked like it belonged in a third world country. Initially I was heartbroken, which quickly turned to anger. Who was responsible for this? What is the solution? And how does one go about cleaning up such an environmental disaster? Especially when for the majority of folks it goes unnoticed. We’ll get to the answers to these questions soon enough. As far as the comparisons go from past to present I’ll let you know what I found. Consumed by the magnitude of this crisis I set out to see what I myself would be able to accomplish in a days time removing the trash. Figuring if I spent a full day removing trash in a section of river, I would be able to mathematically come up with a estimated time frame and work and effort needed to complete the task of restoring the river to its pre-homeless condition. I’ll be completely honest in saying what I set out to do wasn’t even in the realm of reality. Realizing this problem was far beyond what one person, even a small team of people could accomplish in even a months time. This would be a monumental task that would include far more resources then I even knew to exist. My initial attempt at the homeless trash recovery only took me two hours to complete. Filling my jet sled with a heaping pile of every kind of trash imaginable. All this trash recovered on this first attempt at a cleanup was gathered on the first island south of the Red Bluff, Ca diversion dam. The island is several acres in size and is mostly comprised of willows and some smaller cottonwood trees, with a large gravel bar at the north end. When I filled my jet sled up to what I considered to be a heaping but safe load of trash to haul off. I realized at best I had only cleaned a half acre of the island. When I hauled this load to the Red Bluff landfill it weighed roughly  1,700 pounds. Nearly a ton of homeless trash recovered in a minuscule area of the river bottom. Words can’t describe how this left me feeling. There was absolutely no way for me to even estimate the amount of work needed with the data I had gained. Basically I came to the conclusion that an army would be needed to reconcile this catastrophe. I left my personal quest to tackle this disaster using my own resources far behind. Failure has never been an option for me, but in this instance it was just not possible. A much more strategic and aggressive approach is needed at this point.

Some very simple math will tell you that three wet winters later the homeless trash has been compounded by three times. With each high water or flood event bringing literally tons more trash down the Sacramento River. Has anything been done to rectify this yet? Absolutely not! Will this continue? Absolutely yes! What is the solution? I have no idea quite honestly. Starting a nonprofit is the first thing that comes to mind, but tackling that may be I am seeking any ideas or suggestions from you readers. I am a full time fishing guide so this agenda is limited to the time I have away from my business. I figured the first step had to be public awareness, and here we are. If you feel the need to add input on this matter I’m all ears. In the meantime let me list some things the internet has had to offer on the subject…

The Sacramento River, a vital waterway in Northern California, is a lifeline for ecosystems, agriculture, fisheries, and communities. However, in recent years, it has become a dumping ground for trash and debris from homeless encampments in cities like Red Bluff and Redding. Encampments that line the river banks, and control the city and county parks. Piling up literally tons of trash they drag it back to their compounds. Trash hoarding I guess you could say. Always along the water ways. Until it rains….This waste doesn’t just stay localized—it travels downstream, polluting the Sacramento River, the California Delta, and eventually the Pacific Ocean. The situation is not just an eyesore; it’s an environmental crisis that demands immediate attention. Let’s dive into the issue, the agencies responsible, and what can be done to address it.


**The Problem: Trash and Pollution from Homeless Encampments**

Homeless encampments along the Sacramento River have grown significantly in recent years, particularly in Red Bluff and Redding.  While homelessness is a complex social issue, the environmental consequences of these encampments are undeniable. Trash, including plastic waste, discarded clothing, broken furniture, and even hazardous materials like needles and human waste, often ends up in trees, bushes, and gravel bars along the Sacramento River. On a massive scale.

During rainstorms or high water flows, this debris is swept into the Sacramento River, where it travels downstream. The California Delta, a critical ecosystem and water source for millions, becomes a repository for this pollution. Eventually, much of it reaches the Pacific Ocean, contributing to the global marine debris crisis.


**Environmental Impact**

The pollution from these encampments has far-reaching consequences:

1. **Wildlife Harm**: Animals can ingest or become entangled in trash, leading to injury or death. Plastics, in particular, break down into microplastics, which infiltrate the food chain.

2. **Water Quality**: Human waste and hazardous materials contaminate the water, posing risks to both wildlife and humans who rely on the river for drinking water and recreation.

3. **Ecosystem Damage**: The Delta and surrounding wetlands are home to endangered species like the Delta smelt. Pollution exacerbates the challenges these species already face due to habitat loss and climate change.

4. **Marine Pollution**: Once trash reaches the ocean, it contributes to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and harms marine life.


### **Who’s Responsible?**

Addressing this crisis requires accountability from multiple levels of government. Here are the key agencies involved:

1. **Local Governments**: Cities like Red Bluff and Redding are responsible for managing public spaces, including riverbanks. They are tasked with enforcing anti-camping ordinances and organizing clean-up efforts.

2. **State Agencies**:

   - **California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)**: Protects wildlife and habitats but often lacks resources to address pollution from encampments.

   - **California State Water Resources Control Board**: Oversees water quality but struggles to enforce regulations in areas with homeless populations.

   - **Caltrans**: Manages state highways and adjacent landfs, where encampments often form.

3. **Federal Agencies**:

   - **U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)**: Responsible for protecting waterways and enforcing the Clean Water Act.

   - **U.S. Army Corps of Engineers**: Manages flood control and riverbank stabilization projects, which can be impacted by encampments.

   - **U.S. Forest Service**: Oversees national forests, including areas near the Sacramento River.

**What Can Be Done?**

Solving this crisis requires a multi-pronged approach:

1. **Increased Clean-Up Efforts**: Local governments and state agencies must allocate more resources to regular clean-ups of encampments and riverbanks.

2. **Homelessness Solutions**: Addressing the root cause of homelessness is critical. This includes expanding affordable housing, mental health services, and addiction treatment programs.

3. **Public Awareness Campaigns**: Educating the public about the environmental impact of littering and illegal dumping can help reduce the problem.

4. **Enforcement of Laws**: Strengthening enforcement of anti-camping and littering laws, while ensuring humane treatment of homeless individuals, is essential.

5. **Community Involvement**: Volunteer clean-up programs and partnerships with local environmental groups can make a significant difference.


### **Where to File Complaints**

Angry citizens who want to take action can file complaints with the following authorities:

1. **Local City Governments**:

   - **Red Bluff**: Contact the City Manager’s Office or Public Works Department.

   - **Redding**: Reach out to the Redding Police Department’s Community Services Division or the Public Works Department.

2. **State Agencies**:

   - **California Department of Fish and Wildlife**: File a report online or call their regional office.

   - **State Water Resources Control Board**: Submit a water quality complaint through their website.

3. **Federal Agencies**:

   - **U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)**: File a complaint online or contact the Region 9 office, which covers California.

   - **U.S. Army Corps of Engineers**: Report issues related to riverbank encampments through their local district office.


### **Facts About the Pollution**

- A 2021 study by the Sacramento Riverkeeper found that homeless encampments are a significant source of trash in the river, with thousands of pounds of debris removed annually.

- The California Delta provides drinking water for over 27 million people, making pollution a public health concern.

- Microplastics from degraded trash have been found in 90% of water samples taken from the Sacramento River and Delta.


### **Conclusion**

The trash crisis along the Sacramento River is a stark reminder of the interconnectedness of social and environmental issues. While homelessness is a humanitarian challenge, the pollution it generates cannot be ignored. By holding agencies accountable, advocating for solutions, and participating in clean-up efforts, we can protect the Sacramento River, the Delta, and the Pacific Ocean for future generations. It’s time to stop being “trashy AF” and start being part of the solution.

If you’re angry about this issue, don’t just complain—take action. File a complaint, join a clean-up, or advocate for policy changes. Together, we can make a difference.

Mike's Fishing Guide Service for Sacramento River fishing targeting King Salmon, Striped Bass, White Sturgeon, American Shad and Rainbow Trout. The Best Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Guide and Striped Bass Fishing Guide on the Sacramento River.


When it comes to braving the elements and embracing the challenges of winter, few outdoor enthusiasts are as dedicated and hardcore as steelhead fishermen and duck hunters. Both groups are known for their resilience, specialized skills, and unwavering passion for their pursuits. But who truly deserves the title of winter’s toughest outdoorsmen? Let’s dive into the world of these two rugged groups, compare their challenges, and see how they stack up against each other.

  The Steelhead Fisherman: Masters of Patience and Precision.

Steelhead fishermen are a unique breed of anglers who pursue one of the most elusive and prized freshwater fish: the steelhead, a sea-run rainbow trout. These fish are known for their strength, speed, and wariness, making them a formidable challenge to catch. Here’s what makes steelhead fishermen so hardcore:

1. Harsh Conditions: Steelhead fishing often takes place in cold, fast-moving rivers during the winter months. Anglers brave freezing temperatures, rain, snow, and icy waters, often wading waist-deep in frigid currents.


2. Technical Skill: Successfully landing a steelhead requires advanced knowledge of river dynamics, precise casting techniques, and the ability to “read” the water. Fly fishing for steelhead, in particular, is a highly technical art form that demands years of practice.

3. Physical Demands: Steelhead fishing is physically taxing. Anglers must navigate slippery rocks, strong currents, and often hike long distances to reach remote fishing spots. The act of fighting a powerful steelhead on the line can be exhausting.

4.  Persistence and Patience: Steelhead are not abundant in many rivers, and it can take hours or even days to hook one. Steelhead fishermen must be prepared for frequent disappointment and long stretches of waiting.

5. Conservation Mindset: Many steelhead fishermen are passionate about conservation, practicing catch-and-release to protect these iconic fish for future generations.

The Duck Hunter: Endurance in the Marsh.

Duck hunters are another group of outdoorsmen who thrive in winter’s harshest conditions. Their pursuit of waterfowl requires a unique set of skills, endurance, and a deep connection to the natural world. Here’s why duck hunters are considered some of the toughest outdoorsmen:

1. Early Mornings and Brutal Weather: Duck hunters often wake up hours before dawn to set up decoys and blinds. They endure freezing temperatures, wind, rain, and sometimes snow, all while standing or sitting in cold water for extended periods.

2. Specialized Gear and Skills: Duck hunting requires a significant investment in gear, including shotguns, decoys, waders, and duck calls. Mastering the art of calling ducks and understanding their behavior takes years of practice.

3. Physical Demands: Hunting ducks can be physically grueling. Hunters must wade through marshes, carry heavy equipment, and sometimes retrieve downed birds from icy water. The sport demands strength, stamina, and resilience.

4. Knowledge of Waterfowl: Successful duck hunters have an intimate understanding of duck species, migration patterns, and habitat preferences. This knowledge is critical for locating and attracting ducks.

5. Tradition and Camaraderie: Duck hunting has a rich cultural heritage, often passed down through generations. The sport fosters a strong sense of community and camaraderie among hunters.

6. Conservation Ethic: Like steelhead fishermen, duck hunters are often strong advocates for conservation. Organizations like Ducks Unlimited work to preserve wetlands and ensure sustainable waterfowl populations.

Steelhead Fishermen vs. Duck Hunters: Who’s Tougher?The Verdict: A Tie in Toughness

It’s nearly impossible to declare a clear winner in the battle of toughness between steelhead fishermen and duck hunters. Both groups endure extreme conditions, invest heavily in gear and skills, and demonstrate unwavering dedication to their pursuits. Steelhead fishermen excel in technical precision and patience, while duck hunters showcase endurance, adaptability, and a deep connection to tradition.

Ultimately, the title of “winter’s toughest outdoorsmen” might come down to personal preference. Are you drawn to the solitary, meditative challenge of hooking a steelhead in a icy river? Or do you thrive in the camaraderie and adrenaline of calling ducks in a freezing marsh? Either way, both steelhead fishermen and duck hunters embody the spirit of hardcore outdoor adventure, proving that winter is no match for their passion and resilience.

So, which side are you on? The river or the marsh? Let us know in the comments!

Mike's Fishing Guide Service for Sacramento River fishing targeting King Salmon, Striped Bass, White Sturgeon, American Shad and Rainbow Trout. The Best Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Guide and Striped Bass Fishing Guide on the Sacramento River.

Northern California’s Water Crisis Just Got Real 1/31/2025 - I am a tremendous Trump supporter but…..

  • ….as a Northern California outdoorsman I recognize the severity of this federal water grab. Which which will take a devastating toll on our natural resources that are already on the brink of terminal existence. As well as put unprecedented stress on our states fisheries. Likely driving chinook salmon to the brink of extinction. As if our states water policies weren’t devastating enough, we now face a federal take over which stands to end Northern California’s natural environment as we have known it. The obvious mismanagement and blatant negligence of Los Angeles Fire Department’s handling of the wildfires, and the water needed to fight them, served as the nail in the coffin for North State fragile ecosystem. The lack water available for the local fire departments of Los Angles County were directly and wrongly blamed on Northern Californias need for environmental protection of their fish species (primarily chinook salmon and delta smelt). This is just not true! At this point the truth will continue to ignored and Northern California’s natural environment is left on the chopping block. Stand by as this pivotal moment in California’s environmental timeline unfolds.

President Trump’s Push to Override California Water Laws: What It Means for the Environment and Endangered Species….

In a controversial move, former President Donald Trump sought to use federal authority to override California’s state-level water laws, particularly those governing real estate and water management. This effort, which includes a directive for federal agencies to report back within 14 days on the potential impacts, has sparked significant debate about the balance of power between federal and state governments, as well as the environmental consequences for California’s ecosystems and endangered species.

The Conflict: Federal vs. State Water Laws!

California has long been at the forefront of water management, implementing strict regulations to address its chronic water shortages, protect ecosystems, and ensure sustainable use of resources. These laws often clash with federal priorities, particularly when it comes to allocating water for agricultural, urban, and environmental needs.President Trump’s attempt to assert federal control over California’s water laws is rooted in the argument that state regulations are overly restrictive and hinder economic growth, particularly for farmers and real estate developers. By leveraging federal authority, the administration aimed to streamline water distribution and reduce regulatory burdens. However, critics argue that this approach undermines California’s ability to manage its own resources and could have devastating environmental consequences.

The 14-Day Reporting Requirement!

As part of this effort, federal agencies were given just 14 days to assess and report back on the potential impacts of overriding California’s water laws. This tight deadline has raised concerns about the thoroughness of the analysis, particularly when it comes to complex environmental and ecological issues.

Environmental advocates argue that 14 days is insufficient to fully evaluate the long-term effects on California’s water systems, wildlife habitats, and endangered species. They fear that a rushed assessment could lead to decisions that prioritize short-term economic gains over sustainable resource management.

The 14-Day Reporting Requirement!

As part of this effort, federal agencies were given just 14 days to assess and report back on the potential impacts of overriding California’s water laws. This tight deadline has raised concerns about the thoroughness of the analysis, particularly when it comes to complex environmental and ecological issues.

Environmental advocates argue that 14 days is insufficient to fully evaluate the long-term effects on California’s water systems, wildlife habitats, and endangered species. They fear that a rushed assessment could lead to decisions that prioritize short-term economic gains over sustainable resource management.

Wetland Degradation: Wetlands, which serve as critical habitats for birds and other wildlife, could be drained or altered to accommodate increased water diversion for agriculture and development.

Water Quality Issues: Reduced water flows in rivers and streams could lead to higher concentrations of pollutants, harming aquatic life and potentially impacting human health.

Long-Term Sustainability: California’s water laws are designed to ensure sustainable use of limited resources. Federal overreach could lead to over-extraction, exacerbating water shortages and undermining long-term resilience.

The Implications of the “big picture”!

This move by the Trump administration highlights the ongoing tension between federal and state authority, particularly in areas like environmental regulation and resource management. It also raises questions about the role of science and data in policymaking, as the 14-day reporting requirement suggests a prioritization of speed over thorough analysis.

For California, the stakes are high. The state’s ability to manage its water resources is critical not only for its environment but also for its economy and the well-being of its residents. Overriding state laws could set a dangerous precedent, undermining efforts to address climate change and protect natural resources. Potentially putting a end to the outdoor activities we have grown to know and cherish.

Looking Ahead**

As federal agencies work to meet the 14-day reporting deadline, environmental groups, policymakers, and concerned citizens are closely watching the process. The outcome of this effort could have far-reaching implications for California’s ecosystems, endangered species, and water management practices.

Ultimately, the debate over federal versus state control of water laws underscores the need for balanced, science-based approaches to resource management. As California continues to grapple with the challenges of climate change and water scarcity, the decisions made today will shape the state’s future for generations to come.

This blog post provides an overview of the issue while highlighting the environmental and ecological concerns of Northern Californians who are at risk of loosing a way of life. Eliminating forever the life we have grown to know, and rely on as part of our history and heritage. My prayers are for this administration to realize the severity of this issue and find common ground for all lives that are effected by this federal water grab.

Mike's Fishing Guide Service for Sacramento River fishing targeting King Salmon, Striped Bass, White Sturgeon, American Shad and Rainbow Trout. The Best Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Guide and Striped Bass Fishing Guide on the Sacramento River.


    Ok, let’s keep it real here, and just call this blog…a rant. This particular rant has been a long time coming, and will still just scratch the surface of the ongoing destruction to our public resources. My anger is driven by the ignorance of political motivations, greed, dishonesty, and the direct, abuse of California’s Public’s Trust Doctrine. Read what follows.

Our own state’s wildlife protection agency, (CDFW) California Department of Fish and Wildlife, has left a trail of failure. CDFW whom, is entrusted in protecting the public’s natural resources, has failed miserably in doing so, over the past decades. More so now then ever!

Their actions have had a pronounced effect on the lives of tens of thousands, of Northern Californians. Citizens depend on these natural resources as a way of life; as a part of a self sufficient lifestyle. Management and access to these diverse waterway ecosystems is of the upmost importance, to the people of Northern California.

Northern California offers many varied opportunities, both recreational and commercial. The vast majority of people residing in Northern California, enjoy the many varied recreational opportunities our waterways provide. Sportspersons have had to suffer through the CDFW’s utter disregard, and the disrespectful mismanagement of our publics’ resources.

The CDFW’s sole purpose is to act as the trustee for the publicly owned natural resources of the public trust doctrine. It is they who must provide protection for California’s fish and wildlife. Quite honestly their track record sucks. The recent past, has been hampered by one bad decision after another. These decisions are often made with economic gains to agriculture and industry. Decades of poor or incompetent decisions have left our waterways, bereft of the true treasures they should hold.

The exponential economic value of NorCal’s H20, is an enemy that has proven to be unbeatable in recent years. There are many other problems at hand, that are causing our states’ wildlife to decline. However, currently there is no greater loss to a wildlife species, than the decimation that has taken place of California’s King Salmon.

You often see nonsense about  restoration and conservation efforts on behalf of CDFW, USFW, and their “Non Profit” affiliates. It is blasted all over the internet by these State and Federal agencies, and non profit environmental groups.This is nothing more than standard protocol government propaganda. It is for the masses of citizens to believe. Notions that look and sound solid to those who care about our wildlife, but are somewhat ignorant, and have had limited exposure to the greater outdoors.

In reality it’s nothing more than a complete waste of millions of tax payers dollars. The results stem from, some ambitious college educated research teams, tasked with finding paper fixes to real life problems. This information and documentation is not, compiled by individuals who spend their lives, on the water. The regulations are formulated with unrealistic conclusions, for real world problems. These erroneous facts have skewed the management ,of our fish and wildlife resources. More specifically, the mismanagement by CDFW, which has completely devastated the King Salmon, they were entrusted to save.

Next, come the grants! Millions and millions in funding come in, for these “pipe dream” restoration and conservation projects. Projects that look and sound amazing in a corporate paper world. Satisfying the public’s eye with the illusion of environmental and ecological friendliness. After many, many millions of tax payers dollars are sent forth and spent on such projects. The ugly truth becomes increasingly apparent. Those projects that cost millions, don’t actually get to the heart of the matter. Why? Well, no matter how good these ideas look in a PDF file; in reality,they could not be farther from a plausible solution. Let me give you an example….

SIDE CHANNEL RESTORATION- This genius agenda set forth by CDFW, in theory, was aimed at benefiting the “naturally spawning” Chinook salmon of the Sacramento River. How?

The CDFW would create side channels for chinook salmon spawning and rearing habitat. By building small creek like channels, off of the main Sacramento River channel. The creation of the channels was intended, to increase critical spawning habitat. Great idea, about three decades to late.

The side channels were designed to be used by Fall Run Chinook Salmon who “naturally spawned”, as ideal spawning habitat in the fall. October and November is the normal time for Chinook salmon to spawn in the Sacramento River. The idea is to boost the number of Chinook salmon that will enter the ocean after being born in any given season. They expected a two to three fold increase in survival rate, over those of hatchery origin. This of course would  raise the escapement run count dramatically; in three years time, when these salmon return as adults, to spawn again.

Sounds like a reasonable plan right? Here is what has actually occurred. Approximately, 50% of these side channel restoration projects were built in areas of the Sacramento River that haven’t seen spawning salmon since the mid 1980’s. This is when, the implementation of the “cold water curtain” at Shasta Dam took place. Changing the spawning demographics of the Chinook Salmon on the Sacramento River for ever. One can only wonder how old the data was that CDFW used on their models for this project.

What of the other, 50% of the side channels restoration projects? Not a much better outlook considering the USBR has spent the last decade and a half , ‘dewatering redds’ (salmon nests) in the upper Sacramento River near Redding, Ca. The upper Sacramento River, is the primary spawning grounds for the ‘natural spawning’, of indigenous Fall run Chinook salmon. This annual onslaught essentially leaves, the incubating salmon eggs, literally, high and dry. They perish as the bureau cuts river water flows in mid October, to the legally allowed minimum flow requirement, of 3,700 cfs. After the naturally spawning Fall Run Chinook Salmon have set up their nest and layed their eggs.

They cut back critical water flow necessary to the salmon, in an effort to increase the water storage in Lake Shasta. There by, giving an extra financial boost, to the projected water sales, for the next years water contracts. Thus, leaving the Chinook salmon, devastatingly depleted.

I urge my readers to do a simple Google search, of “Salmon Redd Dewatering”. It will be a eye opener, and a call to action.

Needless to say, due to the two facts, I pointed out in my prior paragraphs. You will not ever, never, nevea, eva, eva, eva, eva, see a Chinook salmon, spawning in a side channel. If that channel, was created by the restoration projects on the Sacramento River.

As long as Chinook salmon are managed as they have been or currently are; the native or indigenous species, of Chinook salmon, of the Sacramento River are doomed and are already well on their way to federal listing as a endangered species. As two of the Sacramento Rivers four runs of Chinook Salmon already are. The naturally spawning Fall Chinook salmon are more or less gone at this point in time. Their escapement numbers so low their contribution to the total escapement is barely worthy of consideration. When not so long ago they made up the largest portion of total escapement. They have been ‘Managed’ down to nothing, by the USBR. While all of this occurred, CDFW and the SWRCB turn their back and let it happen.

Again, here is why!

1)-the number of naturally spawning Chinook salmon, in the Sacramento River, is nonexistent. Killed off by water management practices that have left the nests of naturally spawning, Chinook salmon high and dry for over a decade. It is called “dewatering”!

  • 2)- The Sacramento River Chinook salmons’ spawning demographics, changed dramatically after the implementation of the cold water curtain, at Shasta Damn in the mid 1980’s. Again, and more recently the permanent raising of the Red Bluff, Ca Diversion Dam in 2016. Chinook salmon no longer spawn in the river, below the Jelly’s Ferry Bridge in Tehama County. The Chinook salmon, will never spawn in this area again in any relevant numbers. Even if there were naturally spawning salmon to do so. The CDFW implementation of a side chanel restoration project, comes with an approximate cost of; who knows how many millions of dollars in total ? Two million and some change was the cost, for the side channel restoration project, in downtown Red Bluff, Ca. Again this is absolutely absurd to me.

  • The Red Bluff, Ca side channel restoration project by the way, was an utter and complete failure. The channel was a waste of time, and a waste of tax payers dollars. The newly created channel, will have absolutely, zero benefits,to Chinook salmon who currently don’t exist, and when they do they don’t spawn in this section of the Sacramento River any longer. It will not help their run counts, in the future and contribute nothing to the total escapement in the future.

    CDFW already knew what the outcome would be. Inspite of that knowledge, they decided, to spend the tax payers’ money, and build these side channels anyway. And guess what? Another, 28 million dollars, was just given in federal funding, last year, to construct more of these, worthless side channel restoration projects. There are scheduled restoration projects, even farther down the Sacramento River. Again created for naturally spawning Chinook salmon. Which, simply do not exist anymore. The overall side channel restoration program, let’s estimate at approximately: $60,000,000 -$100,000,000 from tax payers. Yet, the money from taxers, never actually produced a single salmon. Who the f??k answers for this? Where is the Fish and Game commission? And why does CDFW president Chuck Bonham still have a job? That’s your earned and worked for money folks. Just getting pissed away like it’s nothing. Infuriating to me. A third grader could have spent that money more appropriately in my opinion. Certainly couldn’t have done any worse.

The people that apply for, approve of, and implement these sorts of projects; do not have the foresight, nor first hand knowledge to know what is happening in real time. What they do know how to do is…how to make these projects look good, on paper. The project looks flawless, on spreadsheets, pie and bar graphs, even future projections. They end with successful, predictable conclusions for our future.

Unfortunately, I feel as though this system will never change. I will tell you why. It is highly unlikely any of these decision makers, grant writers, supervisors, or even the president of this state department, Charles Bonham himself, has ever spent a day, on the Northen part of the Sacramento River. Up river from the state capitol of Sacramento CA. So in my thinking, how could someone be allowed, to make a decision, that could severely impact our natural resources, without first seeing or experiencing first hand what they were working with? Unfortunately this is the case more often than not.

Would you like to know who is never ever, allowed to sit in on those special meetings, or invited to decision making events? To determine, where and how these tax dollars are spent, and which projects to implement first? Us! The outdoorsman, the sportsman, the anglers, and the public in general. Despite the fact that salmon are a public resource and are entrusted to the public (Public Trust Doctrine). Yet, we have no say in any decisions that are made, concerning the Sacramento River: the salmon switching is in it, nor any other natural resources we hold dear, entrusted to us by the state and federal constitutions.

      I feel strongly that first hand experience, in any geographic location, in any trade or occupation is, mandatory for success. As the saying goes, “there is no replacement for experience”. My opinion, has been formed over endless hours, days, weeks and months, throughout all four seasons… I have spend perusing the river. Over the last three decades, the decline, of the river’s health, has been devastating. There is little to no input gathered, from our local experts. Even, as the Fall run Chinook salmon populations can’t replace their numbers, our government agencies, continue in their neglectful ignorance.

When it comes to issues concerning the health of our Northern California Chinook salmon runs. I have to ask? Why would people that have never set eyes on the Sacramento River, or have never felt passionately about the Sacramento River, be considered experts in the rivers’ ecology? Why would employees that have never watched salmon: arrive, stage, construct redds, spawn, die, and watch their offspring head down the river to the Pacific Ocean to restart their lifecycle; be in control, of a species so key to our whole river ecosystem. The people at CDFW are in charge, or responsible for any decision about the river ecosystem. The outcomes of their studies, and resulting projects, could negatively affect every single salmon on the Sacramento River. This process all occurs, without any collaboration or consulting with local experts, who know the Sacramento River the best. Like the life long anglers, and fishing guides who know the distinctive features of the Northern Sacramento River, as well, as they know the features on their hands. The local conservationists, Indigenous tribes, and everyday Northern California citizens, who spend most everyday,spread over many decades, observing the Northern Sacramento River. Sadly, the input from those who know best, is never acknowledged or considered.

Consequently every important decision that is made regarding our states’ salmon, and the health of our river ecosystems, is repeatedly fraught with the wrong decisions. Doing nothing is unhelpful, but these decisions, are making a bad situation, even worse. Continuing these policies, is leading to the depletion, of a public resource. The public, and our local experts, have no input, into saving this keystone river species. What kind of sense does this make? None! And this is how California earned its nick name “Commifornia”.

The problems surrounding California’s Department of Fish and Wildlife run deeper than they appear. More likely than not, they are unfixable at this point. It makes me sick, as I write the ugly truths, about the river environment I cherish. I love, care deeply, and value, the importance of the Northern Sacramento River. I watch with horror, as it and the life it supports, crashes rapidly.

Busy lifestyles, keeps the general public from having the time to gain information, organize, and fight for what is rightfully theirs. So we as citizens stand by, hoping the powers we have entrusted to take care of our precious public resources, will find solutions. These solutions, should focus on the need to bring back, and then, stabilize these resources for us to enjoy. This has always been the historical intent, and hence, written into law. However, my opinion, from the hindsight I have developed from decades of guiding and studying, the upper reaches of the Sacramento River, there is zero chance of success. We stand zero chance by letting CDFW, NOAA Fisheries, and the PFMC snuggle together, and come up with more unrealistic solutions and endless bad decisions.

I would love to ask the presidents, of each agency, when was the last time and how often, they have visited, the Sacramento River, near Red Bluff, or Redding, Ca. My guess is they never have, and most likely never will. These are the geographic and biological spawning grounds of the chinook salmon. This is where the lifecycle of a Chinook salmon starts and ends. If these very specific areas, are not the subject of an intense focus, with the combined knowledge and practice, of local experts to stabilize and adjust, government agency plans,there will be no fixing the problem. There simply will be no more salmon. Simple as that!

It frustrates me to no end, watching how the CDFW wardens operate these days. “Game Wardens” ( a figure once feared by poachers because of their stealthy tactics, and ability to randomly show up anywhere, at anytime by element of surprise.) As of late, they are seldom, if ever seen, out of eyesight from their patrol vehicles. It has been my overwhelming experience, that 99% of contacts with a state game warden, happens at boat ramps, or hunting area, parking lots. It’s honestly been seven to ten years, since I can recall having a warden, come out of the bushes on me. Once again, in my opinion, handing out tickets related: to vessel registration, not having a fishing license in your possession, (even though they have the ability to confirm you have a license through their ALDS), disputes over public land access, and just about any infraction they can dig up, without having to do much investigation or field work in general. The wildlife officers, rely heavily on other outdoorsman to use CAL-TIP for their leads on serious crimes against nature. Even so, their response time is so slow, half of these tips get away. To make matters worse, their own department gets away with the biggest crimes, against our states’ wildlife, while making back door deals with the USBR (United States Bureau of Reclamation) and SWRCB (State Water Resource Control Board). Letting atrocities repeatedly take place on the Sacramento River system, and the connecting, California Delta, the damages committed now, will last for decades, if not in perpetuity. Disgusting at best.

If you are left wondering what crimes in particular CDFW has been committing against California’s wildlife? Look no farther than our states; care free water management practices and the steep decline of California’s Chinook Salmon. More specifically,  CDFW’s inability to hold either of the fore-mentioned state and federal water agencies accountable for their constant mismanagement of our states water. Including the detrimental ongoing  destruction of the states native fish species.

California’s first law enforcement agency was the, Fish Commission. This commission was put into place, to stop the rampant abuse and destruction of migratory fish species, that was taking place in the late 1800’s. Due to gold mining operations and other commerce related activities. The sudden influx of people, impeded the migration and life cycles of Chinook Salmon, Steelhead, and White and Green Sturgeon. This early foresight into preservation of California’s native fish species; led to one of the most clearly written, and unarguable laws. These laws were targeted to protect these native, migratory fish species against human abuse. This law is still intact today, and is the basis for many of the law suites, filed against CDFW, in water related violations concerning the, Public Trust Doctrine.

Fish and Game code 5937; ensures that any dam built in California must maintain enough water to flow over, past, through, or around it; as to provide adequate water supplies to maintain healthy and sustained runs of migratory fish. Even in drought conditions. This isn’t verbatim but but it is the essential narrative. What I find interesting, is that over 125 years ago, citizens in positions of power, recognized the need to protect California’s unique migratory fish species. Primarily salmon and steelhead. Yet today this same department (CDFW) will not enforce this law, and hold accountable those who are in direct violation of it.

Other agencies, who are killing off, what is left of a very depleted public resource, are not held accountable. These unique and very cherished species, have been placed, in trust by the State of California, to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Is this mismanagement? Damn, right it is! Is this in violation of California’s Public Trust Doctrine? Damn right it is. What can be done about this? In my opinion, the only thing that will get any attention, and provoke any change is going to have come from the citizens, by filing lawsuits against CDFW. These law suits, need to be, costly to the state, consistently served, and timely. Let this be a call to action if it needs to be. ANYONE effected by this negligence on behalf of CDFW. Gather together, seek legal ramifications, use resources, do whatever you have to do to start in motion the only thing that will stop this illegal abuse and decimation of our public resources. Don’t write a congressman, file a complaints, or play politics in general. It has gotten us nowhere. If you have been effected by this salmon closure in California sue the pants off the Department of Fish and Wildlife and watch change start to happen.

Feel free to use the comment section as a resource for giving or gaining input! Any lawyers out there that would like to give advise or direction to readers is always welcome. Environmental groups, conservation organizations, rally your members together and put your feet down and help stop this nonsense. Together there is power and hope. Our wildlife deserves this from us.

Finally I would like to establish that I recognize and respect the employees that work for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife whose hearts and daily work go into the preservation of our fish and wildlife. It is unfortunate that the department itself falls short of doing the same things for Californians and their fish and wildlife.

Mike's Fishing Guide Service for Sacramento River fishing targeting King Salmon, Striped Bass, White Sturgeon, American Shad and Rainbow Trout. The Best Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Guide and Striped Bass Fishing Guide on the Sacramento River.

Fishing Steelhead With Ryan Tripp, On California’s North Coast

Fishing guides Ryan Tripp and Mike Rasmussen spending some time chasing down chrome steelhead on one of the many California cricks!

Mike's Fishing Guide Service for Sacramento River fishing targeting King Salmon, Striped Bass, White Sturgeon, American Shad and Rainbow Trout. The Best Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Guide and Striped Bass Fishing Guide on the Sacramento River.

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Two 40 Pound Striped Bass In One Hour

Two trophy 40 pound striped bass were caught and released by client Tim Rojoski from Tracy, Ca on February 8, 2020. 

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Glide Bait,Striped Bass Fishing Tips! From The Pro’s January 17, 2020

Three short informational striped bass fishing videos. Tips from professional striped bass anglers who know this fishery and spend a great deal of time on it. 

Mike's Fishing Guide Service for Sacramento River fishing targeting King Salmon, Striped Bass, White Sturgeon, American Shad and Rainbow Trout. The Best Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Guide and Striped Bass Fishing Guide on the Sacramento River.

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#pluglife theme Christmas tree in Northern California.

Mike's Fishing Guide Service for Sacramento River fishing targeting King Salmon, Striped Bass, White Sturgeon, American Shad and Rainbow Trout. The Best Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Guide and Striped Bass Fishing Guide on the Sacramento River.

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NorCal’s November Fall Colors, Sunrises, And Sunsets…Unforgettable!

The days are short this month. The mornings are chilly. But the scenery is breathtaking! Taking a ride, walk, or hike in the Northern California outdoors will not be regretted. November sunrises, and sunsets are the most colorful of the entire year. The backdrop of a orange, red, and yellow sunset depict all the colors of Fall. This making for amazing outdoor photographs. It should be experienced at least once, by anybody living in Northern California. Personally it is my favorite time of year. Get outside and enjoy what Northern California has to offer you for absolutely free! The Northern California foothills will leave you a stunning sunset over the Sacramento Valley. Deep reds, subtle oranges, with purple, lavender, and magenta. Are frequently displayed in the minutes just before and just after sunset. We are very, very, fortunate to have such a beautiful outdoors here in Northern California. There are plenty of places to see free to the public and waiting for guests. Take the time to step away from work. The daily grind, and the stresses of every day living. Do yourself a favor and step outside. Go see something you haven’t seen yet.

All the colors of fall reflect off the glassy Sacramento River near Red Bluff, Ca at Iron Canyon. A beautiful and seldom seen stretch of the Sacramento River here in Northern California.

All the colors of fall reflect off the glassy Sacramento River near Red Bluff, Ca at Iron Canyon. A beautiful and seldom seen stretch of the Sacramento River here in Northern California.

The fall backdrop surrounds the jet boat ride up the Sacramento River canyon. The boat ride alone will leave a person gazing at their surroundings. Each turn in the river reveals a new backdrop reflecting off the rivers surface.

The fall backdrop surrounds the jet boat ride up the Sacramento River canyon. The boat ride alone will leave a person gazing at their surroundings. Each turn in the river reveals a new backdrop reflecting off the rivers surface.

A look up at “China Rapids” near Bend, Ca on the upper Sacramento River in Northern California.

A look up at “China Rapids” near Bend, Ca on the upper Sacramento River in Northern California.

Salmon fishing guide Robert Petty of NorthStateSalmon trolls slowly up the Sacramento River looking for a king salmon to strike. The Northern California sunset is caught in the background.

Salmon fishing guide Robert Petty of NorthStateSalmon trolls slowly up the Sacramento River looking for a king salmon to strike. The Northern California sunset is caught in the background.

This brilliant red sky is the result of a November sunset on the Sacramento River at Woodson Bridge near Corning, Ca.

This brilliant red sky is the result of a November sunset on the Sacramento River at Woodson Bridge near Corning, Ca.

A picture perfect image is captured by salmon fishing guide Mike Rasmussen, as he salmon fished the Sacramento River at Payne’s Creek.

A picture perfect image is captured by salmon fishing guide Mike Rasmussen, as he salmon fished the Sacramento River at Payne’s Creek.

Johny Eller of Johny Eller’s Guide Service is picture salmon fishing just after sunset on the Sacramento River south of Woodson Bridge. Amanda and Riley Gradney await their chance at a chrome king salmon.

Johny Eller of Johny Eller’s Guide Service is picture salmon fishing just after sunset on the Sacramento River south of Woodson Bridge. Amanda and Riley Gradney await their chance at a chrome king salmon.

Mike's Fishing Guide Service for Sacramento River fishing targeting King Salmon, Striped Bass, White Sturgeon, American Shad and Rainbow Trout. The Best Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Guide and Striped Bass Fishing Guide on the Sacramento River.

IF “SALMON” Is In Your Vocabulary……… This Patagonia Film Production Is A “MUST SEE”

Great film/documentary to watch and learn about the salmon’s existence in today’s modern times.

Mike's Fishing Guide Service for Sacramento River fishing targeting King Salmon, Striped Bass, White Sturgeon, American Shad and Rainbow Trout. The Best Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Guide and Striped Bass Fishing Guide on the Sacramento River.

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