Sacramento River Fall Run Chinook Salmon Slaughtered By Striped Bass
This video and other videos like it, were shot on the Sacramento River this week by fishing guide Mike Rasmussen. The videos depict a small portion of the predation juvenile salmon face as they are out-migrating to the Pacific Ocean. Released during the peak of the spring striped bass run on the Sacramento River in Northern California. During a year of above average rain fall and with a whole winter of high water that would have been much more suitable for their release. Why? The million dollar question! Please feel free to express any concerns or leave any comments as to personal feelings on this crisis facing Northern California salmon runs.
Mike's Fishing Guide Service for Sacramento River fishing targeting King Salmon, Striped Bass, White Sturgeon, American Shad and Rainbow Trout. The Best Sacramento River Salmon Fishing Guide and Striped Bass Fishing Guide on the Sacramento River.